Registration form

Do you want to use the advantages of a Euroloppet Passport owner?

  • You pay anytime a reduced registration fee for each Euroloppet race
  • At least in the 2nd starting group at the Euroloppet races
  • Eligibility to participate at the "Racer Action 3+1"
    - if you start at 3 different races this season  =  1 free start next season

Euroloppet Pass Euroloppet Racer 3+1


Yes – I want to order the Euroloppet Passport now

Continue with the registration

News & info

A new look for the Gsiesertal Lauf

Justyna Kowalczyk has given us the honour!

A new look for the Gsiesertal Lauf

Snow and trail - always up to date

The first trails are open!

The 42 km are open!

A new look for the Gsiesertal Lauf

The brochure 2025 is now online!